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The Final Game Pitch PowerPoint can be found here.
The team's Design Wiki can be found here. On the Wiki you can also access pictures from our paper prototyping session.
Here is a summary of the PowerPoint:
- Description:
Interfaced (tentative title) is a puzzle-platforming game that challenges players to think outside of the traditional video game UI. Innovative puzzles will bend the way players interact with the game by making the interface itself interact and live within the game world, breaking the fourth wall in a truly unique gameplay experience.
Thus far, we are unsure if we will pursue a consistent narrative.
Players will interact with the environment though their character/avatar.
Further interaction will take place though the interface in two forms:
Informative: A stamina bar that depletes when the avatar exerts itself. A mini-map to indicate location.
Functional: Shaking the mini-map causes the representative environment to shake as well. A stamina bar that could act like a bridge atop a gap.
The team is in unanimous agreement that this game would benefit from a rough hand-drawn or cutout art style. Games that we have referenced as examples include Scribblenauts, LittleBigPlanet, Braid, and A Boy & His Blob. UI elements may use different art styles. If we want to make it obvious that the player should interact with something as if it belongs in a particular genre, we may attempt to mimic the aesthetics of games in that genre (i.e. chrome finish, transparency).
Game Plan:
Production: Chris Wiggins
Design: Michael Downing & Holden Link
Programming: Austin Walterman & Chris Sumsky
Art: Daniel Fuller
Writing: Chris Sumsky, Daniel Fuller & Holden Link
A few prototyping pictures, more can be found on the PowerPoint:
I like the core idea here: I think it's solid. You will have to stretch your imaginations a bit to get this idea of the interface being part of the game world to beyond being just a gimmick.
Also, just fyi, when I said "plan" I meant more of a schedule with a list of tasks and who's going to do what. This may be premature since you haven't had the Flash tutorials yet, but eventually I'd like to see an actual PLAN, not just a list of roles.
Posted by: gamegrrrl | 10/17/2009 at 01:33 PM